Medical Dictionary

abruptio placentae

noun ab·rup·tio pla·cen·tae
\ə-ˌbrəp-shē-ˌō-plə-ˈsent-(ˌ)ē, -tē-ˌō-\
plural abruptio pla·cen·ta·rum \-ˌplas-ən-ˈtar-əm, -ˈtär-\ or ab·rup·ti·o·nes placentarum \-shē-ˌō-(ˌ)nēz-, -tē-ˌō-ˌnās-\

Medical Definition of ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE

:  premature detachment of the placenta from the wall of the uterus—called also ablatio placentae


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